We Value Feedback from Everybody

At Advantage One Security, we’re proud to announce a 26.3% reduction in complaints in the first six months of the year, dropping from 19 to 14. This significant improvement highlights our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

Our dedication to addressing and resolving complaints is unwavering. We have reviewed 50% of the complaints received in 2024 and found them to be unjustified, yet we take each one seriously. We ensure that no complaint is closed until it has been thoroughly discussed with the customer.

Every month, our Senior Leadership Team reviews and discusses each complaint in detail, analyzing what went wrong and developing strategies to prevent future occurrences. This continuous feedback loop allows us to learn and grow, ensuring that we provide the highest level of service to our clients.

Your feedback is invaluable in helping us maintain and improve our standards. Thank you for trusting Advantage One Security with your security needs.

Stay safe and secure,
Advantage One Security

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