
This policy is in place to promote a positive and fair environment, throughout the entire employee life cycle. From the example set by senior management to training for all employees, Advantage One are determined to demonstrate by actions as well as words that this is a workplace for all.

Policy Statement

Advantage One Security is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion among our workforce, and eliminating unlawful discrimination. The aim is for our workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society and our customers, and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best. Advantage One Security – in providing a plethora of services – is also committed against unlawful discrimination of customers, or the public.

Advantage One Security looks to consistently provide equality of opportunity to all of our staff and all applicants to our company, with a zero tolerance of discrimination. Stemming from our company Ethics and Values as well as the Equality Act 2010, our objective is to ensure that all employees are treated as individuals, regardless of their background. We actively work to develop a culture of respect, dignity, and inclusion, removing unnecessary barriers for employees to fulfil their professional goals at Advantage One Security. We aim not only to celebrate and respect our differences, but embed a heart of inclusion and equality in our work ethos, transpiring through to daily duties and everything we do.


This policy sets out Advantage One Security’s approach to equality, diversity and inclusion. We recognise that managing diversity and developing a culture of inclusion is a continuous process of improvement, not a one-off initiative. Through this policy we seek to underline our focus on accountability and transparency, ensuring that merit, competence and potential are the basis for all decisions about recruitment and development. Additionally, we consider that equal opportunities means removing barriers and ensuring access and opportunity for all employees, recognising that the individual experience is valuable and meaningful.

Related documents

Company Values and Work Ethics Policy (BMS.P.16)

Anti-Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy (BMS.P.26) Employee Handbook (BWD.HR.079)

Grievance Policy (BMS.P.18)

Disciplinary Policy and Procedure (BWD.HR.004, BWD.HR.005)


This policy applies equally to all employees and also to associated persons and others employed under a contract of service. Every individual has a personal responsibility to uphold the standards detailed here. This policy is of particular relevance to the recruitment, training and development procedures and employment decisions which affect others


Every employee is entitled to a working environment that promotes dignity, equality and respect for all. Advantage One Security maintains a zero-tolerance approach to unfair or unlawful discrimination and harassment because of a protected characteristics. No employee or potential employee shall receive less favourable treatment directly or indirectly on the grounds of gender, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, trade union membership or age. We recognise that differences between individuals can be visible or non- visible, so training on equality, diversity and inclusion is of importance for all staff.

Alongside training, Advantage One Security has a comprehensive Employee Handbook, Grievance Policy, Disciplinary Policy and Procedure, and Anti-Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, all of which supports and upholds the commitment of the company to equality and inclusion. The company recognises the importance of maintaining an open culture with good communication channels based on open dialogue and active listening, and actively seek opportunities to seek people’s ideas and take action on feedback.

Through this active policy, we seek to demonstrate our commitment by ensuring the following points:

Advantage One Security is committed to implementation of this policy by every means at its disposal. Any employee failing to comply with this policy will be investigated and disciplinary action may be taken.