The devil’s in the detail…

“Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better”  – Sir Henry Royce


It’s been a big week. The sale of my old house is finally complete.

The house I’ve spent the last 20 years ‘doing up’…  It’s been a labour of love and, if I’m honest, borderline obsession. This wasn’t just any house. It was a fixer-upper in the truest sense. When I moved in, there were single glazed windows with holes in the frames I could stick my thumb through, no central heating, carpets or curtains and just one plug in the entire property. I had to make myself a fort out of blankets just to stay warm, heating it with candles – yes, probably a fire risk looking back now!  While others questioned my choices, I knew it had something special. At the risk of sounding like Phil and Kirstie, it had ‘potential’. Bags of it (who knew the apparently tiny overgrown garden would turn out to be a 40-foot gem, complete with a dozen apple trees and a 15-foot greenhouse, held up by a massive ivy tree!).

Over the next 20 years, I worked tirelessly to transform what was effectively a dilapidated shell, into a home. But (and with apologies to M&S) this was not just renovation… This was a James Haigh renovation..! The wrap-around extension was planned meticulously to ensure it matched the existing structure. From the Meriden sand to the traditional imperial brickwork. Even the mortar beds were measured to the exact millimetre.  Every window was thoughtfully positioned to ensure the sunlight would cast a golden glow at precisely the right moment of the day. And when it came to the interior, I was equally obsessive. We’re talking six different shades of top-quality sealant, hand-made light fittings, the finest paint (Farrow & Ball, of course) and even a custom wax that I blended myself, to achieve the perfect hew for the front door.

Every detail mattered. My builder mate deserves a medal for putting up with my relentless perfectionism! However, after years of blood, sweat, and more DIY injuries than I care to remember, I sold it… People kept asking me, “Why have you put so much effort into a house you’re not even staying in?” My answer was simple: because that’s who I am. And now, it’s time for someone else to enjoy it. But I can’t just hand over the keys and walk away. That’s not my style. So, in true James Haigh fashion, I’ve ensured everything is perfect for the new family moving in.  I’ve changed all the batteries in every electrical gadget including the alarm system control panel – naturally! I’ve cleaned from top to bottom (twice), placed my prized spider plant cuttings around the house, and restocked the toilet rolls – complete with the fancy hotel fold;

I could not help myself! The family moving in has young kids, so I’ve painted the stair treads with anti-slip varnish. I’ve also left a care pack with everything they’ll need in the future: waxes, oils, paints, etc – all meticulously labelled. I’ve even bought a new cushion – with ‘LOVE’ embroidered in it – and a coaster for the bay window seat, because the new owner said it reminded her of her childhood home, where she had fond memories of such things. The fridge is stocked with bottles of Evian and Fruit Shoots for the kids. There’s a bag of ice in the freezer, flowers on the way, and champagne and chocolates waiting on the counter.

I’m also going back on their move-in day for a final walk-through. Why? Because knowing a new family will benefit from all the love that I poured into this place gives me a real kick. It’s not just about handing over a house; it’s about passing on a space for them to create their own memories. I know some people might think it’s a bit much. But that’s just me. And I bring my same obsession for perfection to my business. It’s attention to detail there too that makes us different. It’s why our loyal customers get better value from us than anyone else they could choose to do business with. The devil is in the detail…

Hopefully I’ll get to meet you, dear reader, at Retail Risk – Leicester next week. So, we can talk about how Advantage 1’s obsession to detail in providing unparalleled security services to its customers could work to your benefit too…

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